During the 2014, the Civil Society Development Fund regularly ranked the effectiveness of Governors and published them in the newspaper "Izvestiya".
For the final ranking, specialists didn’t carry out new sociological researches – the Heads of the regions were evaluated for their work during the entire year. Alexander Tkachev took 12-14 places with 87 scores out of possible 100, – the press service of the Administration (Governor) of Krasnodar region reports.
The Head of Kuban stably held his position in the group of Governors with a very high ranking throughout the year.
The researches used data of the Fund "Public Opinion", Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the National Service of Monitoring, indicators of social well-being of regions of Russia, as well as estimates of the federal and regional experts during the evaluation of activity of the Heads of the regions.
Source - Ministry of Strategic Development, Investments and External Economic Activity of Krasnodar region