The Municipal Formation proposes to implement the project on production of pectin both for food and medical purpose in the industrial park of the Cossack village of Leningradskaya.
Construction of production and storage facilities supplied with high-tech equipment, as well as an administrative building is planned within the implementation of the project at the territory of the plant.
It is estimated that being at the designed capacity, the enterprise will be able to produce up to 1,700 tons of pectin per year.
Investments in the project are estimated at 500 million rubles.
It should be noted that at the present time in Russia, there is no operating enterprise for pectin production, which is widely demanded in confectionery, canning, dairy, fat and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in production of diabetic food.
In addition, the competitive advantage is the availability of raw materials in the territory of the Leningradskaya district. There is a large number of gardens there, including apple, and significant planting acreage of sugar beet, which pulp is also used for pectin production.
The object has economically advantageous location: it is situated 0.02 km from the local road, 0.35 km from the railway tracks of the station "the village of Leningradskaya" and 38 km from the railway station "Kanevskaya".
The distance to the sea port city of Yeisk is 106 km and to the international airport of the city of Krasnodar is 187 km.
For participation in the project, please contact:
The Administration of the Municipal Formation Leningradskaya District
353740, Krasnodar region, Cossack village of Leningradskaya, Chernyshevskiy Street, 179
Contact person: Troyanovskaya Tatyana, Head of Economic Development and Information Technology of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Leningradskaya District
Tel/fax: +7 (86145) 7-23-76, +7 (86145) 7-19-35, +7 (86145) 7-13-75
Source - Ministry of Strategic Development, Investments and External Economic Activity of Krasnodar region